Doggy Daycare Terms and Conditions
Provanston will only day board dogs, all other animals are excluded. You will be asked to read and sign this contract at the time of your dog’s acceptance into our daycare program.
You certify that’s your dog is/are in good health and has not been ill with any communicable condition within the last 30 days.
You further certify that my dog(s) have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person or any other dog.
You understand that all dogs wishing to attend daycare must attend a pre-registration appointment to be assessed by us at Provanston and consequently deemed suitable for the multi-dog environment.
Provanston agrees to exercise due and reasonable care in the handling of the dogs, and in keeping the facility properly enclosed and sanitary. All dogs are cared for by Provanston without liability on Provanston’s behalf for loss or damage from disease, theft, fire, death, escape, injury, or harm to persons, other dogs, or property by said dog(s), or for other unavoidable causes.
- You understand that you are solely responsible for any harm caused by your dog(s) while your dog(s) is/are in the care of Provanston and release Provanston of any liability arising from your dog’s attendance and participation at the daycare.
- Provanston is covered by public liability insurance with indemnity to the value of £1,000,000.
- You recognise that there are inherent risks of illness or injury when animals are allowed to be in close contact with one another. Such risks include but are not limited to, problems resulting from rough play and kennel cough. Provanston will isolate dogs which are suspected of having a communicable disease and contact the owner.
- You further understand and agree that in admitting your dog(s) to the doggy daycare at Provanston, Provanston has relied on your representation that your dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person or any other dog.
- You understand that your dog(s) will be playing in open areas with other dog(s) and accept that when dogs play in groups, they will get dirty, and nicks and scratches may occur, as well as any other inherent risks that are involved. You hereby release Provanston of any liability in the event of these or any similar incidents. You further understand and agree that the Provanston staff and volunteers will not be liable for any problems which may arise due to such.
- You further understand and agree that any problems which develop with your dog(s) will be treated as deemed necessary by Provanston staff and volunteers, at their sole discretion, and that you assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved if Provanston decides to obtain medical treatment.
- You accept that if my dog causes any excessive damage to the facility that you will be responsible to pay for repairs.
- You understand that if your dog is not neutered or spayed by 6 months of age, they will not be allowed to participate in daycare with other dogs.
- You further understand that if your dog shows any signs of aggression towards other dogs, that their acceptance into daycare will be re-evaluated. They will be given between 1 and 3 chances, depending on the situation surrounding the aggression before they are forbidden to participate in day-care. Provanston will isolate dogs which are aggressive towards dogs and/or staff and contact the owner.
- Human-aggressive dogs, or dogs with fear issues, will not be allowed to stay at the Provanston. Provanston will not accept dogs listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
- As a responsible pet owner, you promise to keep your dogs(s) current in vaccinations against Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagicae), Canine Parvovirus and other relevant diseases including Kennel Cough plus parasite and worm treatment. The course of vaccination shall have been completed at least two weeks before the first date of day boarding or in accordance with manufacturer instructions.
It is required by Provanston that you provide official updated records from a veterinarian before you are allowed to attend daycare. Provanston is not responsible for informing of due dates on vaccines nor will Provanston provide vaccine records for any reason. Furthermore, a record that this proof has been supplied must be kept on-site throughout the period the dog attends and for 12 months after the dog last attends.
- You agree to providing minimum 48 hours notice if your dog is not able to attend to avoid having to still pay the charge for the reserved session. Provanston understands that there may be times (in emergencies) where the 48 hours notice is not possible and these will be assessed on a case by case merit.
Payable in advance of daycare commencing. If payment has not been made 24 hours in advance your slot will be cancelled.
£35 per day per dog (max 10 hrs)
£24 per half day morning or afternoon (5hrs)
Mini day (3hrs) £15
Monday to Friday 7am to 8pm (apart from holidays unless otherwise agreed)
Owners must make changes to reservations within a minimum 24-hour period or they will still be charged for their place.
EMERGENCY: In the event of an emergency, Provanston will first attempt to contact the owner, followed by an attempt to contact the emergency contact person listed. Provanston may also directly contact the partnership veterinarian (Jackson Vets), if the circumstances are deemed such that immediate treatment is necessary.
Fresh drinking water shall be available at regular intervals (unless advised otherwise by a veterinary surgeon).
The drinking vessel shall be cleansed daily and the water changed as necessary.
Provanston may also use treats to reinforce positive behaviour in your dog(s). Please indicate in your booking and consent form if you do not wish your dog to be fed any specific treats/foods.
Provanston would like to use images of your dog(s) in their promotional material. Please indicate below whether you give your permission: Yes/No
A booking and consent form must be filled out prior to confirming any bookings and this must be answered honestly.
Please indicate on your booking and consent form whether your dog(s) has any medical conditions or allergies that Provanston needs to be aware of.
Contract Certification
Upon booking you will be required to sign a copy of this contract alongside filling in a Booking and Consent form.